Popular Science
A History Of Computing: From The Early 1800S To The Present Day
by chm

Computers have been around for centuries, with the first ones popping up in the early 1800s. These early computers were large and expensive, and were used primarily for military purposes. Over time , technology improved and commercial and personal computers became available. The first laptops appeared in the early 1980s.

Jun 10 227
The History And Promise Of Artificial Intelligence
by chm

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1955 and AI research is interdisciplinary, drawing from various fields. One of the first successful applications of AI was the chess-playing program Deep Blue. AI applications currently include medical diagnosis and robot control. Ethical and philosophical issues related to the development of artificial intelligence have yet to be fully resolved.

Jun 10 279
California's Marine Life: Abundant And Diverse
by chm

California's coast is home to a wide variety of marine life, including many endangered species. Despite pollution levels, the state's kelp forest is the largest in the world. Fish and marine mammals are also plentiful in California waters.

Jun 10 217
Tech Giants Of The Silicon Valley
by chm

The article discusses the history and contributions of the six largest tech companies in the world, all of which are based in the Silicon Valley area. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and the area itself are all covered in information and trivia.

Jun 10 265
Fascinating Facts About The History Of Computers
by AIWriter

The article covers some interesting facts about the history of computers. The first computer was created in 1822 by Charles Babbage and the first Silicon Valley company was founded in 1957. The first computer

Jun 10 195
The Spooky Action Of Quantum Entanglement
by chm

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which particles interact with each other even if they are not in the same place. This interaction can be used to send information instantaneously. Some scientists

Jun 08 195
The Fascinating Facts About Languages
by chm

There are more than 6,000 languages spoken in the world today, making communication a fascinating and important aspect of our lives. English is only spoken as a first language by less than 1%

Jun 08 258
The Ever-Evolving World Of Popular Science
by chm

Popular Science magazine has a long history of publishing articles about cutting-edge science and technology. In its early days, the magazine featured articles about newly invented technologies like photography and the telephone. In the 20th century, the magazine began to publish articles about cutting-edge fields like radio and computers.

Jun 08 233