Popular Science
Silicon Valley: The History Of An Innovative Region
by chm

The term "Silicon Valley" was coined in 1971 and refers to the Santa Clara Valley in California which is home to many tech companies and startups. The first silicon transistor was created by Bell Labs in 1947 and the first commercial silicon transistor was created by Texas Instruments in 1954. The first integrated circuit was created by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments in 1958. Fairchild Semiconductor, founded in 1957, was the first company to mass-produce silicon transistors. Intel, founded in 1968, is the world’s largest manufacturer of semiconductor chips.

May 23 215
Deep Learning: From Algorithms To Applications
by chm

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to produced improved results for tasks such as image recognition and classification. Deep learning networks can be trained using a variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, and the most popular frameworks include TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.

May 23 199
The Sun: Our Nearest Star
by chm

The sun is our nearest star and it only takes about 4 minutes for light from the sun to reach Earth. The sun is huge, about 333,000 times the size of Earth. The sun is so hot that its surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is *really* bright. It's about 400,000 times brighter than the full moon. The sun is so big that its gravity actually bends light! The sun will eventually die. In about 5 billion years it will become a red giant and eventually a white dwarf.

May 23 236
Robots In Dairy Farming
by chm

ADVANCES IN ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY ARE HELPING DAIRY FARMERS AROUND THE WORLD increase production and efficiency while reducing labor costs. In addition to dairy farms , robots are also being used extensively in healthcare, industry, retail, and education.

May 23 222
From The Pascaline To The Eniac - A Brief History Of Computing
by chm

The history of computing can be divided into three distinct eras: the pre-mechanical era, the mechanical era, and the electronic era. The pre-mechanical era is the time before the first mechanical calculator was invented in the early 1600s. The mechanical era began with the invention of the steam engine in the early 1700s and ended with the introduction of electronic computers in the mid-1900s. The first electronic computer was the ENIAC, which was developed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert and unveiled in 1946.

May 23 249
The Andromeda Galaxy: Our Closest Spiral Neighbor
by chm

The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy to ours, at 2.5 million light years away. Our own Milky Way Galaxy is thought to have formed around 13.6 billion years ago. The universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old. There are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Galaxies come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from spiral galaxies like our own, to elliptical galaxies, to irregular galaxies.The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies are thought to be on a collision course, and will eventually merge to form one giant elliptical galaxy!

May 23 213
AI computer vision And Future
by chm

Computer vision is the branch of artificial intelligence that deals with images and videos. It is used for a wide range of applications, including facial recognition, object detection and classification, 3D reconstruction, and more.

May 23 195
A History Of Personal Computing
by chm

The article covers the history of personal computing, starting with the first personal computer, the Apple I, in 1976. It goes on to covered the first email being sent in 1971, the first website being created in 1991, and the first online chat room being created in 1973. The article then covers the first MP3 player being created in 1997, and the first video being uploaded to YouTube in 2005.

May 23 255