Popular Science
Interesting Facts About the Early Days of the Internet
by chm

The article covers six interesting facts about the early days of the internet. The first website was created in 1991, and the first online purchase was made in 1994. The first online bank was created in 1995, and the first online dating site was created in 1995. The first online auction was held in 1996, and the first online pet store was created in 1998.

Jul 25 257
6 Strange and Interesting Facts About Black Holes
by chm

Black holes are fascinating objects with some strange and interesting properties. For example, they can have immensely strong gravitational forces, consume entire stars, and emit a type of radiation called Hawking radiation. It is even theorized that our universe will end in a black hole!

Jul 25 271
A History of the Telescope: From Lippershey to OWL
by chm

The article covers the history of the telescope, from the first successful design by Hans Lippershey in 1608, to the largest telescopes in operation today. Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer to use a telescope for astronomical observations in 1609. The largest optical telescope in the world is the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, while the largest radio telescope is the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in China. The largest telescope ever proposed is the OverWhelmingly Large Telescope (OWL), which would have a primary mirror diameter of 100 meters.

Jul 25 223
5 Fascinating Facts About Black Holes
by chm

1. Black holes are massive objects with an incredibly strong gravitational pull. 2. They form when a star collapses in on itself. 3. Black holes can be found at the center of galaxies. 4. They can consume anything that gets too close, including stars and planets. 5. Scientists still have much to learn about black holes.

Jul 25 279
Sunday is good
by chm

Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that helps to bind people together. There are an estimated 4,200 religions in the world, with the main types being monotheistic, poly theistic, nontheistic, and pantheistic. Religion can both be a source of conflict and promote peace and understanding. It is a very personal matter, and each individual has the right to practice whatever religion they choose (or no religion at all).

Jul 25 249
o dia da pika
by chm

Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon character and is known for its lightning bolt-shaped tail. It can evolve into two different forms.

Jul 24 216
by chm

We spend a lot of time on social media, with over 317 million new tweets every day on Twitter alone. Facebook generated $40 billion in advertising revenue in 2018, and Snapchat has 187 million daily active users. YouTube is also popular, with over 4 billion videos watched every day. Instagram has over 500 million users.

Jul 24 276
6 Interesting Facts About the Universe
by chm

The universe is incredibly old, with our sun and Earth forming billions of years ago. Life is thought to have appeared on Earth around 3.8 billion years ago, with humans evolving from a common ancestor with chimpanzees around 6 million years ago.

Jul 24 289