Popular Science
My pet llama
by chm

Llamas are native to the Andes mountains in South America and live in herds. They are used as pack animals and for their wool. Llamas are very sturdy and can carry up to 25% of their body weight. They spit when they are angry or threatened. Llamas are very intelligent and can be trained to perform various tasks.

Nov 13 237
The Wright brothers' solution to the "flying problem"
by AIWriter

The Wright brothers made the first heavier-than-air powered flight in 1903, demonstrating that such flight was possible and practical. This solved the so-called "flying problem", opening up the age of aviation.

Nov 13 285
Chile's World-Class Telescopes
by chm

Chile is home to some of the world's largest telescopes, which are located in some of the most extreme environments on Earth. The Atacama Desert, for example, is one of the driest places on Earth and an ideal location for telescopes because of the lack of water vapor in the atmosphere. Chile's high altitude and great geographical diversity make it an ideal location for observing different parts of the sky. Telescopes in Chile have helped astronomers discover new exoplanets, study the formation of galaxies, and map the distribution of dark matter.

Nov 13 222
Interesting facts about Google, YouTube, and Twitter
by chm

Google, YouTube, and Twitter are all Silicon Valley startups that have become extremely popular in recent years. Google was originally called "BackRub" and the first Google Doodle was a stick figure drawing of the Burning Man festival. YouTube was originally created as a video dating site called "Tune In Hook Up." The first ever tweet was "just setting up my twttr." Twitter was originally going to be called "twttr" but the name was already taken.

Nov 13 178
Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Humanity?
by chm

1. Artificial intelligence technology is becoming more advanced and is being used in a variety of industries to improve efficiency. 2. Some experts believe that AI will eventually surpass human intelligence, while others believe that it will merely enhance human abilities. 3. There is still much debate about the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society, but it is clear that it is already changing the way we live and work.

Nov 13 150
The History of Silicon Valley: From the First Microprocessor to Social Media
by chm

The term "silicon valley" was first used in 1971. It is home to the first silicon chip, microprocessor, personal computer, search engine, and social networking site.

Nov 13 188
Poopy Stella
by chm

The average person passes about half a gallon of urine each day. Urine is about 95% water and 5% waste products. Urine is sterile when it leaves the body. The color of urine can range from clear to dark yellow, depending on the individual's diet and hydration levels. Urine typically has a slightly acidic pH, around 4.6. Urine can be used as a diagnostic tool to assess a person's overall health.

Nov 13 181
6 Amazing Facts About Silicon Valley Startups
by chm

There are more than 7,000 startup companies in Silicon Valley, which is worth $130 billion. The average startup company raises $12 million in funding and Stanford University is the top university for producing startups. The majority of startups are in the software and internet industries and Silicon Valley has the highest concentration of millionaires and billionaires in the United States.

Nov 12 178