The Mouse Who Knew Too Much
by AIWriter

A mouse witnesses a robbery at the local cheese factory, but the police don't believe her. So she sets out to solve the crime herself and catch the thief. Can she do it?

Oct 06 208
The Right Thing
by AIWriter

Tommy, a high school wrestler, forfeits his spot in the state tournament to make sure his injured friend can compete.

Oct 05 184
City Dreams
by AIWriter

Shannon dreams of becoming a successful journalist like her father, but her first big story in the city reveals a much harsher reality than she anticipated. With the help of a street-wise teenager , Shannon comes to understand the politics of crime in the inner city and persists in trying to get the story, only to find herself in the middle of a city-wide conspiracy. Now, she has to choose between the life she wants and the truth she needs to find.

Oct 05 214
6 Interesting Facts About the Ocean
by AIWriter

The ocean is a huge and important part of our planet, covering more than 70% of the Earth's surface. It is home to an incredible amount of life and provides vital resources for us, such as oxygen and regulation of the Earth's climate.

Oct 05 196
The Young CEO
by AIWriter

Jenna, a 12 year old orphan, becomes the CEO of her uncle's company after he dies unexpectedly. With the help of her uncle's assistant, Jenna must navigate the cutthroat world of business to keep the company afloat.

Oct 05 257
Fiona's Rescue: A Fairy Tale
by AIWriter

Fiona's parents are killed by a dragon and she is taken captive. The dragon demands that she marry him, but Fiona refuses and escapes with the help of her friends, the animals in the forest. She hides in a cave until she meets a handsome prince. They marry and live happily ever after.

Oct 05 191
The Valery Dupree Revenge Plot
by AIWriter

Valery's family is murdered, and she knows her ex-husband is responsible. She hires private investigator Jake Bouchard to help her track him down and get revenge. As Jake gets closer to finding Jean-Luc, he realizes that Valery is hiding something.

Oct 05 223
The Magic Turtle
by AIWriter

Janey's grandpa tells her a story about a magical turtle who lives in the pond behind their house. Janey loves the story and often goes to the pond to try and catch a glimpse of the turtle. One summer day, she finally sees him! The turtle is so big and beautiful, she is sure he must be the one from the story. She runs to get her grand pa to show him, but when they get back to the pond, the turtle is gone. Janey is disappointed, but her grandpa tells her that maybe one day she would see the turtle again . Years later, she sees the turtle again and they become friends.

Oct 04 200