In "A Moose Finds a Mushroom," a moose discovers a magical mushroom that grants wishes. He helps various forest animals by granting their wishes, improving their lives and making new friends in the process.
In the story "A Dork Named Jimena," Jimena is a young girl who is often teased by her peers for being clumsy and wearing glasses. One day, she saves a fairy from danger
In "Clairo: The Epic Writer," Clairo, a young fairy, discovers her talent for writing magical stories. With the help of her friends, she overcomes obstacles and learns to embrace her
Rohit becomes glued to his video game, ignoring his friends and responsibilities. A magical creature helps him realize the importance of balance and he learns to enjoy life outside the game.
Sassy Anar, a clever and adventurous girl, embarks on a journey to find a magical glittery pomegranate, which grants wishes. Along the way, she outwits various
Anar, a curious and adventurous young girl, discovers a secret pomegranate that grants her magical powers. With the help of her new abilities, Anar overcomes obstacles, helps her friends
In the story "The Justin that could," young Justin embarks on a magical adventure to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer. Along the way, he meets new friends, overcomes challenging obstacles