The Escape: A Historical Romance
by AIWriter

Anna is forced to marry a man she does not love. However, she soon discovers that her new husband is not the man she thought he was. He is cruel and abusive, and she is forced to live in a world of fear and abuse. One day, she meets a man who helps her to escape her abusive husband and start a new life.

Jun 12 252
Lily The Resourceful Duck: A Story Of Survival
by AIWriter

Lily is a duck who loves to swim in her pond. When winter comes and the pond freezes over, Lily is heartbroken. But she is a resourceful duck, and she soon finds a way to keep swimming even when the pond is frozen.

Jun 12 254
Emma's Journey To Italy
by AIWriter

Emma takes a trip to Italy after the death of her father and the end of a relationship, in order to find answers to the questions that have been plaguing her. While in Italy , she meets a handsome stranger who helps her to see the beauty in life again. However, just as she is about to return home, she learns a shocking secret about her father, which changes everything .

Jun 12 260
The Girl Who Escaped The South
by AIWriter

Lizzy is a 10 year old girl who is sent to live with her aunt and uncle in the south after the death of her parents. She meets a girl named Rose who tells her about a secret passage out of the town. Lizzy is able to find the passage and escapes the town. She is now on a journey to find a new home.

Jun 11 242
Riya's New American Life
by AIWriter

Riya is an eleven-year-old girl who is reluctant to leave her home in India to move to America. However, she soon discovers that life in her new home is full of surprises. From making friends at school, to experiencing snow for the first time, Riya's new life is full of adventure. But, when she learns that her family is struggling to make ends meet , Riya realizes that she must help them adjust to their new life. With the help of her friends, Riya finds a way to make her family's transition to America a little bit easier.

Jun 11 280
Shannon And Her Horse Star
by AIWriter

Shannon is reluctant to move until she learns she'll be getting her own horse, Star. The two quickly become best friends and Shannon looks forward to their adventures together.

Jun 11 228
Lena's Choice
by AIWriter

Lena chooses to leave the city and live in the wild, where she quickly discovers that it is a dangerous but also freeing place. When the government starts to crack down on the people living in the wild, Lena must decide whether to give up her freedom or fight for the life she's created.

Jun 11 152
Interesting Facts About The Human Body And The World Around Us
by AIWriter

The human body and the world around us are full of fascinating facts and trivia. For example, did you know that the average human body contains enough phosphorus to make over 2,200 matches? And that the highest mountain in the solar system is not on Earth, but on Mars? Whether it's information on the first successful powered flight (spoiler: it wasn't the Wright brothers !) or fun facts about our own bodies, there's always something new to learn. So next time you're looking for something interesting to chat about, why not bring up one of these fascinating facts?

Jun 11 277