Kaitlyn and the Lioness
by AIWriter

Kaitlyn goes on an African safari and becomes attached to a lioness and her cubs. She makes it her mission to protect them from poachers.

Apr 29 209
The Time Traveling Cat and the Mystery of the Missing Time Machine
by AIWriter

Liz and her cat, Snickers, build a time machine and accidentally travel back in time. Liz must find a way to get back to her own time before it's too late.

Apr 28 353
Life: A Collection of Poems
by AIWriter

This collection of poems explores the theme of life, offering insights and perspectives on what it means to live. The poems cover a range of topics, from the joys and challenges of everyday life to the deeper questions of what it means to be alive. With humor and honesty, these poems offer a fresh look at the human experience.

Apr 28 225
Shannon and the Horses
by AIWriter

Shannon moves to the country and quickly becomes friends with the owner of the local stable. When she learns the stable is in danger of closing, Shannon comes up with a plan to save it and earn enough money to buy her favorite horse, Midnight.

Apr 28 224
Heartbreak Poems
by AIWriter

The collection of poems titled "Heartbreak Poems" deals with the theme of heartbreak. The poems explore the pain and hurt of a broken heart, as well as the hope and healing that comes with time.

Apr 28 254
Nostalgic Musings
by AIWriter

Nostalgic Musings is a collection of poems about childhood memories. The poems explore the speaker's happy memories of growing up, and their longing for those times now that they are an adult.

Apr 28 241
The Disappearance
by AIWriter

Shannon's father disappears while investigating a series of disappearances in a small town in Oklahoma. Shannon follows his trail and discovers that he was getting close to the truth before he vanished. With the help of the local sheriff, Shannon tries to piece together what happened to her father, but the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes.

Apr 28 230
by AIWriter

This collection of poems captures the nostalgia of childhood memories, from the innocent joys of carefree days to the bittersweet ache of looking back on what once was. Each poem brings forth a different memory, but all are united in their ability to transport the reader back to a simpler time.

Apr 28 210