Shannon's City Adventures
by AIWriter

Shannon is reluctant to move from her childhood home until she learns her new home will be in the heart of the city. Shannon is excited to explore all the city has to offer and quickly discovers there's more to the city than tall buildings and busy streets.

Jun 25 146
Angelica Finds a New Home in the Suburbs
by AIWriter

When her family moves from the city to the suburbs, nine-year-old Angelica is sure she's going to hate it. But as she starts to explore her new neighborhood, she discovers that there's a lot more to the suburbs than she first thought. And she just might find a new home there after all.

Jun 25 150
Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web
by AIWriter

Tim Berners-Lee is the inventer of the World Wide Web. He was born in London on 8 June 1955. He created the first website in 1991. The first web browser was released on the internet in 1991.

Jun 24 157
The Mystery of the Scrawled Symbols
by AIWriter

Lenny, a struggling writer, finds a stack of papers with cryptic symbols and words scrawled on them in place of his trash-bound manuscript. With the help of his friends, he sets out to decode the message and uncover the hidden meaning of his story.

Jun 24 140
Jenna's Family
by AIWriter

Jenna's family is falling apart and she starts to distance herself from them. When her daughter goes missing, she is forced to put her family back together.

Jun 24 119
Shannon's City-to-Country Weekend
by AIWriter

Shannon's weekend plans are foiled when her parents take her on a surprise trip to the country. At first disappointed, Shannon soon discovers the many perks of farm life and makes new friends. By the end of the weekend, Shannon is excited to come back and visit again.

Jun 24 148
A Tour of Chinese Cuisine: Classic Recipes from Sichuan to Cantones e
by AIWriter

This book of recipes explores some of the most popular and classic Chinese dishes, perfect for your next family meal or dinner party. From Sichuan to Cantonese, there is a vast array of flavors and dishes to explore.

Jun 24 120
Nina's Hilarious Story: A Group of Friends in Their Twent ies Trying to...
by AIWriter

Nina is a recent college graduate who is struggling to find her purpose in life. She spends her days working at her mom's leasing company and the rest of her time she's either sleeping or binge watching Netflix. One day, she comes across an ad for a writing contest and on a whim decides to enter. She spends the next few weeks writing a hilarious story about a group of friends in their twenties who are just trying to figure out life. She ends up winning the contest and finally has something to show for her life.

Jun 23 155