The Last Woman Standing
by AIWriter

In a world where the only other people are a group of cannibals who want to eat her, Sarah has to use all of her wit and intelligence to survive. She eventually finds herself leading the cannibals in a quest to find other survivors.

Jul 08 145
"Jake's Dream: A Skiing Story"
by AIWriter

Jake is a young skiier who trains hard to make it to the Olympics. When he finally gets his chance, he skis flawlessly and takes home the gold medal. Jake's dream has come true.

Jul 07 166
Sofia's Secrets of Florence
by AIWriter

Sofia, a twelve-year-old orphan, is sent to live with her aunt in sixteenth-century Florence. She quickly learns that secrets are hidden around every corner and that not everyone is to be trusted. When she discovers a plot to overthrow the city's ruler, she is torn between her duty to her family and her desire to do what is right. With the help of her new friends, Sofia sets out to stop the conspirators before it's too late.

Jul 07 164
The Girl Who Tried to Feed the Wolves
by AIWriter

Shannon's family moves to a remote cabin in the woods, and she starts leaving food out in hopes of attracting a wolf. One night, she sees a wolf up close, but quickly learns that they are not to be trifled with.

Jul 07 155
The Maid's Affair
by AIWriter

After the death of her husband, Mary takes a job as a maid for a wealthy family in Boston. There, she meets and falls in love with John, the family's son. However , when John's father discovers their affair, he forces Mary to leave the family's employ. Heartbroken, Mary returns to her humble home. When John suddenly appears at her door one day , she is torn between her feelings of love and anger. John begs for her forgiveness, and they soon rekindle their romance. However, John's father is not about to let them be together . He will stop at nothing to keep them apart, even if it means destroying Mary's life.

Jul 07 136
The Young Girl Who Loved Baseball
by AIWriter

The young girl in the story, Casey, loves baseball and is the star pitcher on her school team. When she gets the chance to play in a big game, she does her best and helps her team win.

Jul 07 160
The Firsts Among U.S. Presidents
by AIWriter

The article discusses six interesting facts about U.S. presidents. Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence, Franklin helped draft the Constitution, Lincoln was the first to be assassinated, Kennedy was the first Catholic president, Nixon was the first to resign, and Carter was the first to be born in a hospital.

Jul 07 134
Ghost Town Love
by AIWriter

Lillian falls in love with a handsome ghost named James and helps the ghosts of her town move on to the other side.

Jul 07 163