The Magic Rabbit: Thumper's Adventures with Lizzy
by AIWriter

When nine-year-old Lizzy finds an injured rabbit in her backyard, she takes him in and nurses him back to health. She quickly discovers that Thumper is no ordinary rabbit - he has magical powers and can communicate with her telepathically. Together, they go on all sorts of adventures and learn important lessons about life, love, and friendship.

Sep 14 121
Orphan Annie's Adventure
by AIWriter

Orphan Annie is taken in by a wealthy family in New York City, but she soon discovers that they are cold and distant. One day, she finds an old journal belonging to a girl who lived in the same house over a hundred years ago and went on an amazing adventure to the Amazon rainforest. Annie decides to follow in the girl's footsteps and sets off on her own adventure. Along the way, she meets new friends and faces challenges, but she also discovers her own strength and courage.

Sep 14 139
Sarah and the Magic Forest
by AIWriter

Sarah discovers a magical kingdom in the forest where she meets friendly creatures. She learns about the power of friendship and love.

Sep 14 146
Kauai: An Island of Happiness
by AIWriter

Hannah falls in love with the island of Kauai and its people after spending a long day exploring. She meets friendly locals and other tourists, and even the animals seem happy. With each new day, she feels more at home in a place she once thought was just a dream.

Sep 13 125
Scout and the Sick Bird
by AIWriter

Scout, an eight year old nature lover, finds a sick bird while on one of her adventures. She takes the bird home and cares for it until it is well enough to be released back into the wild. Along the way, Scout learns about the importance of taking care of the environment and the creatures that live within it.

Sep 13 143
Skiing Through Heartache
by AIWriter

Allison is an up and coming ski racer who has her sights set on the Olympics. When her best friend dies in a skiing accident, Allison is left questioning whether or not she wants to continue skiing. She must decide if she's going to let this tragedy define her or if she's going to use it as motivation to achieve her dream.

Sep 13 100
Lily and the Secret World
by AIWriter

Lily is a young girl who discovers a secret world through a mysterious box. Along the way, she meets new friends and learns about the importance of being true to oneself.

Sep 13 120
The Firsts of Silicon Valley: From Apple to Tesla
by AIWriter

Silicon Valley is home to some of the most famous tech companies in the world, and many of them got their start in a garage. Apple, Google, and Tesla all got their start in a garage, and Facebook got its start in a dorm room.

Sep 13 111