my island
by chm

"My Island" is a sonnet that explores the beauty, tranquility, and freedom found on a secluded island. The speaker expresses a deep connection to the island, describing its enchanting landscape and the peaceful escape it offers from the pressures of the outside world.

Jan 20 16
by chm

The sonnet "Music" celebrates the power of music to evoke emotions, memories, and connections, highlighting its ability to unite people and transcend time and place.

Jan 20 22
My daughter Helene
by chm

In "My daughter Helene," the narrator celebrates the beauty, intelligence, and strength of their daughter, Helene. Through poetic language, they express their admiration for her as she grows, and the pride they feel in witnessing her journey through life.

Jan 13 24
Old Aunt Susan
by chm

In "Old Aunt Susan," the speaker fondly reminisces about their warm relationship with their wise and nurturing Aunt Susan, who always had a story to share. Her presence brought joy and life lessons to those around her, leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

Jan 13 16
yo mama
by chm

"Yo Mama" is a poetic tribute to a strong and inspiring mother figure. The speaker appreciates her unwavering love, support, and guidance, acknowledging the profound impact she has had on their life. Through the sonnet, the mother's strength, wisdom, and resilience are celebrated, emphasizing the deep bond between mother and child.

Jan 08 20
my dad farts a lot
by chm

In "My Dad Farts a Lot," the narrator humorously describes their father's excessive flatulence, embracing the absurdity and bonding over this shared family quirk.

Jan 06 17
Kotak jalyap
by chm

"Kotak Jalyap" is a sonnet that delves into the emotions and experiences of a person who discovers a mysterious box. The narrator is captivated by the box's beauty and intrigue, which leads them on a journey of self-reflection and exploration. As they unlock the secrets within the box, they also uncover deeper understandings of themselves and the world around them.

Jan 05 20
when there is fire
by chm

In the sonnet "when there is fire," the poet describes the overwhelming power of fire, both as a destructive force and as a source of inspiration. The fire's intensity serves as a metaphor for the passion and emotions within the human spirit, demonstrating the potential for both creation and devastation.

Jan 04 27